Join Us This Sunday

Wellspring Kids is a clean, safe, & fun environment designed for kids from birth through 5th grade to learn about Jesus on their level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wellspring Kids is our children's ministry that is designed to teach kids about Jesus on their level in a safe, clean, fun and exciting way!

Safety is our #1 priority! Security is present at all times. In addition, all Wellspring Kids volunteers are background checked and at least 2 volunteers are present with every child at all times.

Only adults WITH a pick-up tag will be permitted to check-out your child from Wellspring Kids.

We will text you to let you know you are needed. Keep your phone on silent and close by in the event you need to come pick-up your child.

Wellspring Kids rooms will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the service.

All you have to do is give us the last 4 digits of your phone number. We will verify who's attending Wellspring Kids! We will print you out the name tags and pick-up tags.

Great idea! We can always add them to your current family and check them in along with your children.

If you have a question that we havn't covered, text us at 877.894.2282 we'd be more than happy to answer your question!