Have Kids?

Wellspring Kids is Designed Just For Them!
6 weeks through 5th grade

If you have children, we have a special environment designed just for them while you're in service. Our Wellspring Kids area is a safe, clean, and fun environment designed for children from 6 weeks old, through 5th grade where they are able to learn about Jesus on their level.

More About Wellspring Kids
Worship Experience

Sunday service gatherings are special, you can expect each service to last about 65 minutes. Services begin with worship to Jesus, and then transitions into a message from Pastor Brian.


During each message you can expect Pastor Brian to bring a relatable, and relevant message from the Bible that's easy to understand, practical, and easy to apply outside of the doors of the Church.

We Would Love To Say Hello
First-Timers Area

Following service we'd love to have the opportunity to meet you, answer any questions you may have, and hear a little bit about your story. The first timers area is located on the second floor lobby outside of the auditorium. Pastor Brian will be there hanging out, and we also have a gift for you to say thank you for spending your time with us!